Shabbat Shout out to the Reform Judaism Biennial

(Cross-posted to CompuSchmooze blog.
Have to give a big Shabbat Shalom to the Union for Reform Judaism, which is holding its Biennial in San Diego through Sunday. They are doing quite a respectable job of blogging, live-blogging, and podcasting from the event, so those of us who couldn't be there can get a great taste of what's going on. Here's one sample, but you can hear more and see a Flickr photo stream as well. Very nice integration of social media into a live conference event by a group with limited resources. Demonstrates how social media return power to the organizers to promote, publicize, and engage their audiences...
What does Shabbat Mean To You
As we prepare for our Shabbat here in San Diego the Biennial Blog spoke with two rabbis about their personal Shabbat routines and how they make the Sabbath Day holy. Click on the play button below to listen in.
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