Saturday, July 28, 2007

Second-Lifers, start hitting the virtual ATM

I haven't been a great big fan of Second Life. As I've written previously, I find it a creepy environment that distracts from communications that could be conducted more easily, and reliably, using video and audio conferencing tools that don't require massive recurring credit card charges for play money to create environments in which to meet other people.

Now, as Linden Labs exercises some of its awesome TOS powers to arbitrarily seize the casino properties that its subscribers have bought and paid for, simply because Linden Labs decided (apparently with encouragement from First Life law enforcement authorities) to change the rules of the game. Remember, all you SL millionaires, you consented to give Linden Labs this power to control all aspects of your wealth when you agreed to the TOS.

When I worked on Wall Street, I learned about the concept of the "sovereign ceiling." I have seen first-hand how governments use their powers to control currency flows -- thereby collapsing their own economies as they devalue assets and currencies in the process.

I wonder how long the illusions about the "altruism" behind Second Life will continue? Pay no attention to those terms of service behind the curtain...

Monday, July 16, 2007

LOBP#32: BlogPhiladelphia Short Report 7/16/2007

This podcast features excerpts from interviews conducted during BlogPhiladelphia on July 12-13, 2007.

We interviewed several participants and organizers of the conference for their reactions. We'll have a longer program later this week, but this podcast will give you some highlights of the conference.

Here are some photos:

Steve recording live on-site podcast interviews. (Jason Smith Photo) Carl Lavin, deputy managing editor for digital media at the Philadelphia

Jill Ivey, editor of, who "live-blogged" the conference.

Annie Heckenberger, social media director of Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation, which organized the conference (Jason Smith Photo)

Download the podcast here (6.87 mb stereo MP3 file, 00:05:00 duration).

Send comments to or call our podcast comment line, +1-206-333-1263.

Keywords: lubetkin,cherry hill,blogphiladelphia,philadelphia,podcast,heckenberger,lavin,.marshall,hillman,ivey

Sunday, July 15, 2007

blogphilly Toonerstan & Toonerlisa

Here's Stan and Lisa. Check out Very cool.

blogphilly steve1

blogphilly steve1
Originally uploaded by toonerlisa
Thanks to ToonerLisa of for taking this shot of me at the BlogPhiladelphia closing party at National Mechanics. Lisa and Stan have an awesome app that turns live video into cartoons, without the expense and time of rotoscoping. I'll be interviewing them for my CompuSchmooze column/podcast (

Lots of very interesting stuff at BlogPhiladelphia, more to come at PodCamp Philly in September, I will be producing an LOBP podcast for this blog with all the interviews.

Thanks to Inquirer DepManEd Carl Lavin for the shoutout in his 07newsroom blog. Kudos to Inquirer for trying to figure out social media while weathering the storm of trying to figure out how to transition a dead-tree publication to the networked world.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Importance of blogs

My team members from PodCamp Philly (, Lisa Marshall and Whitney Hoffman, are leading a breakout at BlogPhiladelphia about basic entry level blogging.

Phila Chamber of Commerce staffers are tryimg to convince their bosses they need a blog.

What would you like to see on a Chamber blog?

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Liveblogging on Phillyist at BlogPhiladelphia

Jillian Ivey liveblogging from BlogPhiladelphia as Alex Hillman of leads discussion of working independently and meeting other freelancers. Jillian is editor of the city blog.
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Attending a session on how independent workers can meet through social networking at BlogPhiladelphia. Alex Hillman of is leading the discussion.

Program is being live blogged by dozens of attendees. Significant presence of mainstream media. I'm sitting with Carl Lavin, deputy mng. Ed of Phila Inquirer for digital projects. Yesterday spoke with Mike DiNardo of KYW radio and Wendy Warren, biz editor of Phila daily News. Interviews with attendees qill be in the podcast...stay tuned!

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